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Intelligent Faith Conference

Intelligent Faith Conference is designed to equip both seasoned leaders & Pastors as well as people just starting their faith journey. We also welcome those who are in a season of searching for answers who have yet to discover the truth of God's word and the reason for our faith.


Conference Schedule

(Students 18 and younger, youth leaders & youth pastors)


5PM | Doors Open

6PM | Conference Begins

6:15PM | Keynote Speaker #1 | Ryan Pauly

7:00PM | Break

7:15PM | Keynote Speaker #2 | Jane Pantig

8PM | Panel Discussions w/ Q&A

5PM | Doors Open

6PM | Conference Begins

6:15PM | Keynote Speaker #1 | Dr. Craig Hazen

7PM Break

7:15PM | Keynote Speaker #2 | J. Warner Wallace

8PM | Panel Discussion w/ Q & A


9AM | Conference Begins

9:15AM | Keynote Speaker # 1 | Hugh Ross

10AM | Break

10:15AM | Keynote Speaker #2 | Elizabeth Urbanowicz

11AM | Break

11:15AM | Breakout Session #1

  • In Defense of the Gospels Speaker: John Stewart Room: Main Auditorium

  • The Path of the Peacemaker: Relationship-Centric Apologetics Speaker: Laurie Stewart Room: Theater

  • What Muslims Need to Know Speaker: Tony Gurule Room: Jr. High Room

  • When Woke Comes to the Church

  • Speaker: Monique Duson Room: East Chapel

  • Made in the Image of God: Do You Matter? Speaker: Jane Pantig Room: North Chapel

12PM | Lunch (Special Lunch for Pastors & Youth Pastors)

1:20PM | Keynote Speaker #3 | Clay Jones

2:20PM | Break

2:30PM | Breakout Session #2

  • Case for the Resurrection Speaker: John Stewart Room: Main Auditorium

  • Perspective on Miracles Speaker: William Baugh Room: Theater

  • Why Christianity? Hard Questions and Real Answers Speaker: Tony Gurule Room: Jr High Room

  • Navigating Gender Identity Speaker: Ryan Pauly Room: East Chapel

  • The Trinity: God is Love Speaker: Jane Pantig Room: North Chapel

3:15PM | Break

3:30PM | Breakout Session #3

  • Does Advancing Science Refute or Prove Genesis? Speaker: Hugh Ross Room: Main Auditorium

  • How We Substituted Immorality Projects for True Immorality Speaker: Clay Jones Room: Theater

  • Perspective on Miracles Speaker: Bill Baugh Room: Jr High Room

  • The Making of A Social Justice Warrior

       Speaker: Monique Duson Room: East Chapel

4:15PM | Break

4:30PM | Panel Discussion | Closing

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