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Intelligent Faith Conference.

April 18-20, 2024
Anaheim, California

Love God with all your Mind


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. -Mark 12:30 (NIV)


Intelligent Faith  founded by John and Laurie Stewart, is committed to the mission of defending and proclaiming biblical truth around the world through teaching, speaking, writing and training followers of Jesus how to love God with all our mind., as well as persuading non-believers that Christianity is true.


We are committed to preparing believers “to give an answer for the reason for the hope that we have.” (1 Peter 3:15)  John and Laurie Stewart, in partnership with their home church Cornerstone Church Anaheim are continuing this mission through the launch of the Intelligent Faith Conference.


Hugh Ross

Hugh Ross is founder and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe, an organization dedicated to communicating the compatibility of science and the Christian faith.


While in college, Hugh committed his life to Jesus Christ after his study of cosmology convinced him of the existence of a Creator, specifically the God of the Bible.


Hugh holds a degree in physics from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto. After five years on the Caltech faculty, he transitioned to full-time ministry and still serves on the pastoral team at Christ Church Sierra Madre. His writings include journal and magazine articles, hundreds of blogs, and numerous books—The Creator and the Cosmos, Why the Universe Is the Way It Is, Improbable Planet, and Designed to the Core, among others. He has spoken on hundreds of university campuses as well as at conferences and churches around the world and participates in the weekly Stars, Cells, and God podcast.

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Craig Hazen, Ph.D.

Craig is the founder and director of the Master of Arts – Christian Apologetics and director of the Master of Arts – Science and Religion at Talbot School of Theology. Craig has written and edited several books and articles including Five Sacred Crossings and Fearless Prayer.


Ryan Pauly

Ryan Pauly has been working with students for over a decade as a high school teacher, missionary, and speaker. He is the Founder and President of Think Well, an organization focused on training Christians to engage the culture with a biblical worldview, and the Director of Immersive Experiences at MAVEN. Ryan holds a B.A. in theology and youth leadership from Vanguard University, an M.A. in Christian apologetics from Biola University, and is pursuing a doctorate in cultural engagement from Talbot School of Theology. Ryan lives in Southern California with his wife and two sons. He enjoys watching hockey, roasting coffee, and playing with his boys. 

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Tony Gurule

Tony Gurule is the Vice President of Radical Truth, a full-time missionary, ordained minister, speaker, and trainer. He is also the host of the Radical Truth TV Show & Podcast. Tony began his formal education in Christian apologetics in 2008, and in 2010 he began taking classes on Islam. In 2012, Tony found our website ( and that is when he contacted Joe Carey, Founder of Radical Truth. Tony and Joe quickly became friends, especially after learning that both of their Islamic Studies professors were good friends as well. Soon after that, Tony and Joe worked together regularly on many television shows. After Joe Carey died in 2018, Tony was one of the few men who Radical Truth's Board of Directors had in mind to carry on the torch of Radical Truth.

Before joining Radical Truth, Tony worked with Ratio Christi, an apologetics-focused, campus-based ministry, and he helped establish apologetics clubs on college and university campuses throughout the world. Part of Tony's work also included hosting 180 episodes of Ratio Christi's, Truth Matters TV show. While he worked with Ratio Christi, he also hosted six, International Apologetics Marathons on the Aramaic Broadcasting Network's Trinity Channel, as well as ninety-three episodes of Colliding Worldviews, fifty-eight episodes of Islam & The News, and a number of other special shows and series' such as Bridging the G.A.P.

Tony's ministry work can be seen and heard on many online platforms, however, he was banned on Facebook in 2018, and he was banned on Vimeo in 2020 shortly after, "Lights Out: When Islam Rules America" was uploaded to his channel.

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Laurie Stewart

Laurie Stewart is an attorney, mediator, law school professor, Christian Conciliator, Christian apologist, and event speaker. She earned her Juris Doctor degree from Chapman University School of Law; her M.A. in Christian Apologetics from the Talbot School of Theology; and her B.A. from California State University Fullerton. Laurie is licensed to practice law in California and in Iowa.

Trained in conflict coaching, mediation, and arbitration, Laurie assists parties in negotiating to resolve disputes. In Iowa, she served as President for Iowa Association of Mediators and on the Council for the ADR section of the Iowa State Bar Association. Laurie had the privilege of serving on the Iowa Supreme Court Family Law Task Force ADR Work Group. She is a Peacemaker Fellow and Certified Christian Conciliator for those who want to resolve their disputes using biblical principles. Laurie teaches classes and seminars to schools, churches, and other groups all over the world on conflict resolution. Currently, she is the CEO & President of Peacemaker Ministries. 

As a trial attorney, Laurie has represented plaintiffs and defendants in a wide variety of civil matters, including defending religious liberty and traditional family values. She has worked with several public interest groups, including Alliance Defending Freedom, Pacific Justice Institute, Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, and Center for Individual Freedom. In 2006, she received the C. William Carlson award from Pacific Justice Institute for her “exceptional level of integrity and commitment.” In 2008, Laurie was a guest speaker on the marriage issue at law schools and town hall meetings, and featured in a documentary on the marriage issue called “Marriage Matters to Kids.”


Laurie and her husband John founded Intelligent Faith (formerly Rolling Stone Ministries), an international organization committed to training Christian leaders. She was the first President of Women in Apologetics and currently serves on the boards of Ratio Christi and Intelligent Faith. Laurie has served on the board of Orange County Women Lawyers, Marketplace Women of Orange County, Camp Berachah, and served as advisor for other boards. Laurie is a frequent speaker at universities, churches, seminars, conferences and women’s groups. Since 2007, Laurie and John have traveled to many countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East to teach and train leaders.

Laurie has published several articles. Most recently, Ratio Christi Press published her booklet On the Record of Women's Rights: Assessing Women's Rights According to Worldview and Western Australian Jurist published her article A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women, Religion, and the Law.

Laurie is a former self-proclaimed liberal feminist. Her diversified background includes acting and producing theatre, and training hundreds of consultants as a sales director for a Fortune 500 Company. Laurie and John currently reside in Southern California and have three grown daughters, a son-in-law, and a spunky German Shepherd. 


John Stewart

John Stewart is a lawyer, Christian apologist, author, and award-winning radio personality. He holds a Bachelor degree in Biblical Studies from Biola University, a Master degree in Theological Studies from Talbot School of Theology, and a Doctorate in Law from Western State University. He is currently the Scholar in Residence for Ratio Christi and visiting scholar at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon.           

John formerly co-hosted the nationally syndicated radio program The Bible Answerman, and hosted his own national radio show, John Stewart Live. He also was the afternoon-drive radio host of John Stewart Live and Live from L.A. on KKLA-fm, and KBRT-am in Southern California. 

John served as Professor of Law and Apologetics at the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (now Trinity Law School) in Anaheim, California, where he was also Assistant Dean of the Law Program. He later served as a Director of the Christian Research Institute.

He is the author of five books, the best-seller Holy War (Fireside), God in the Chaos (Harvest House), Text Messages from God (Intelligent Faith Press), More Than a Prophet—the Identity of Jesus from the Bible, Qur’an and Early Sources (Intelligent Faith Press), and In Defense of the Gospels: The Case for Reliability (Intelligent Faith Press).

John has received many awards and recognitions, including an Angel Award for excellence in broadcasting, and was named “Pro-Life Broadcaster of the Year.” He was invited to be listed in “Who’s Who in Biblical Studies and Archaeology in the World,” and testified by invitation as a Protestant Theologian before President George H. W. Bush’s Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Military.

He has appeared as a guest on local and national television and radio, including CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and Good Morning America. John has been interviewed on radio across the United States as well as in New Zealand, Kenya, and Uganda. He has been mentioned in numerous books and publications, including Time Magazine, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times.

John has spoken at colleges, universities, and law schools across America and around the world. He has also debated several times on college campuses, and has spoken at conferences and churches in America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Kenya, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Philippine Islands, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda.

            John and his wife, Laurie, are allied attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom. They have three adult daughters and a German Shepherd named Cali, and live in North Tustin, California.


Elizabeth Urbanowicz

Elizabeth Urbanowicz is a follower of Jesus Christ who is passionate about equipping kids to understand the truth of the Christian worldview.

She holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Elizabeth began her professional career as an elementary teacher in a Christian school.

Several years into her teaching experience, Elizabeth realized that despite being raised in Christian homes, attending a Christian school, and being active in church, her students thought more like the culture than like Christ. Elizabeth began searching for curricular materials that would equip her students to think critically, helping them discover that Christianity is the worldview that lines up with reality. After not finding any materials that met this need, she began creating a curriculum for her students.

Elizabeth first taught Foundation Comparative Worldview Curriculum as an after-school class for third through fifth graders, and the results were incredible! Students were transformed from passive recipients of information to active evaluators of every message they receive. Parents and teachers alike noticed the impact these materials had on students’ media consumption, academic achievement, and everyday habits. This transformation lasted beyond the elementary years and guided students’ thinking in junior high and beyond.

Elizabeth now works full-time on developing comparative worldview and apologetics resources for children. Her goal is to prepare the next generation to be lifelong critical thinkers and, most importantly, lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.

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Monique Duson

Monique Duson is the President at the Center for Biblical Unity. She has a background in social service and children’s ministry. She has worked with a diverse


array of under-served communities. She worked as a Missionary to South Africa for over four years, serving children and teachers impacted by drugs, violence, and trauma. She spent two decades advocating for Critical Race Theory (CRT), but through a series of events, began to clearly see the contradictions of CRT with the historic Christian worldview. Monique is now convinced that CRT is not the best way to achieve racial unity and actively speaks out against the use of CRT within the church.


Monique has appeared on shows such as Relatable (with Allie Beth Stuckey), the Alisa Childers podcast, and Breakpoint (with John Stonestreet). Monique has a BA in Sociology from Biola University. She is working on a MA in Public Theology at Birmingham Theological Seminary.


Clay Jones

Clay Jones Is a Visiting Scholar for the MA in Christian Apologetics program at Talbot Seminary and the chairman of the board of Ratio Christi, a university apologetics ministry. Previously, he was the executive director of Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law School) and served on the pastoral staff of two large churches. He holds a Doctor of Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. 

Clay is the author of the books, Why Does God Allow Evil? Compelling Answers to Life’s Toughest Questions (Harvest House, 2017); and Immortal: How the Fear of Death Drives Us and What We Can Do About It (Harvest House, 2020). He also authored the apologetics software, Prepared Defense and various encyclopedia and journal articles. 

He formerly hosted Contend for Truth, a call-in nationally syndicated talk radio program. On his program he debated many people over eight years, including panentheist John Cobb, Jr.; a professor of Buddhism; Jamal Badawi, Islamic Information Institute; a Muslim cleric; a Church of Scientology minister; Mormons; Jehovah’s Witness Greg Stafford; Dallas Blanchard, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights; Peta representatives; a euthanasia advocate; a secular humanist, Rep. Loretta Sanchez; KFI talk show host Bill Handle; Jimmy Creech, SoulForce chairman of the board; Bruce Ware; R. C. Sproul, Jr.; Robert Morey; R. Scott Clark; and a KJV only advocate. 

Clay focuses his writing and teaching on explaining what the Lord is accomplishing through allowing evil, suffering, and death. He lives with his wife Jean E. in south Orange County California.

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Jane Pantig

Jane Pantig received a BA in Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, MA in Christian Apologetics from Biola University and a Certificate in Bioethics from Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum in Rome, Italy.


Jane serves as an Area Director for Utah and a Chapter Director at the University of Utah with Ratio Christi an Apologetics and Evangelism organization on university campuses. She has been working with Ratio Christi since 2011 and was a Chapter Director at several colleges and universities in California for 10 years. In 2021 the Lord called her to Utah, an unreached area of the United States. She helps lead missions teams that come to Utah to reach Latter Day Saints with the True Gospel. 

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William Baugh

William Baugh, M.D. is a graduate of Loma Linda Medical School and Dermatology Residency from U.S. Naval Medical Center San Diego. He is a board certified dermatologist and skin cancer surgeon. He integrates his study of the sciences, medical career, and research with his Masters of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Biola University to share the love of Christ with those he encounters. Understanding there is much more to any patient than their physical illness, Dr. Baugh seeks to share salvation in Christ through the art of medicine. Having engaged in didactic and evangelistic outreaches in over 30 countries, Dr Baugh brings a wealth of experiences to his teaching. An engaging speaker, he delivers insightful presentations training Christians to think clearly about their Faith.

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